Recepton has developed protein engineering and recombinant protein production platform based on the CHO K1 and E. coli expression systems made up of several key components:
- Molecular biology protocols for protein engineering
- Set of expression vectors
- CHOK1 and E. coli host cell lines
- Set of production media
- Cell culture protein expression processes
- Protein purification protocols
- Set of analytical methods for protein quality control
Together these components allow delivering the high-yielding stable cell lines, robust production and purification processes and high quality proteins in less than 4 months.

Advantages of Recepton’s recombinant proteins:
- Expressed in stable CHOK1 cell lines
- Established and reproducible bioprocesses up to 40L
- Individually designed purification protocols
- Protein quality confirmed by multiple analytical methods
- 6 months stability testing
- Proteins available off-the-shelf